Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year! And... Home Again!

Happy New Year to All of You! Hope 2008 will be the best year so far!

Well the honeymoon is over. We are back in Galveston. Its been a great trip and met loads of great people. We met Alan and Joe on NYE through the B&B owners where we were staying and got to spend time with them in their gorgeous house and enormous pool. They were so sweet and we hope to visit them in April on our next trip! Also the B&B owner, Danny and Janine made our stay absolutely perfect. They organized our wedding as well and that was done beautifully in all ways. Thanks again guys! If you ever go up to Hot Springs go to Prospect Place!

Now i have applied for my social security number so i can work and at the end of the month we will be applying for my Green Card. Monday, when Thomas gets back to work, i will go out and find a job. I hope! Today we are trying to get me a bank account. So things are falling into place slowly.

We decided on 2 different parties. One here in TX the end of April and one in Holland, next time we are there. Of course anyone is welcome anytime before ( and after) that! We are also having a couples wedding shower in Feb! Organised by Thomas' sweet aunt Julie!

Im so very happy!

More soon!


  1. Congratulations on the wedding!

    I noticed your Elliot Smith-liking (how I found the blog lol).

    That's awesome you're from Holland. I love exotic places, wish I lived in one. Well, I live in Alaska but it is hard to find one's home exotic if lived in your entire life.

    It's weird thinking how people dream of seeing mountains, I'd much rather dream of seeing cities. Very few up here, and the largest one (I live in it) has hardly anything really.

    Well! Have fun in Galveston TX, I hear it has a pretty nice beach. I'm heading down that way soon to do some work in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Last time I was there, it was pretttyyyyy nice.

    Enough blabbering, talk to yah later!

  2. He Troela hier even een bericht van mij uit koud Holland. Je fotoos zijn prachtig en erg getrouwd. Wat een heerlijke plek waar jullie zijn getrouwd plus de vriendelijke mensen daar in hun mooie huis. Daar wil ik ook graag naar toe en veel fotoos nemen van alle prachtige huizen daar. Kom je ook mooie boerenschuren tegen?.

    Op wat voor werk ga je solliciteren?. Heb je al een idee?.

    Ik ben mij aan het voorbereiden op Aruba. Over een kleine twee weken is het zover. Ik neem je email adres mee en mail mij ook.

    Vandaag kwam ik je moeder tegen bij opa. We hebben gelachen met z,n allen over het passen van een nieuwe broek. Het gaat hem goed.

    tot gauw en hopelijk een bericht van jouw kant. groet en kus Douwe
