Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mrs. Graves!

We got married! The location was Hot Springs, Arkansas and the date 31st December. It was a beautiful day and a great ceremony! Will put pictures up here soon!


  1. Beautiful. Simply Beautiful. Wishing you much happiness along your journey together.

  2. Congratulations Mrs. Graves! I linked over from P.Alan's blog.

    Welcome to the U.S. and best wishes with your new life in Texas. Texans are warm, lovable, big-hearted folks. You'll have fun living there once you learn "Texas-ese". Texans make up their own words for stuff. For instance, in Texas a "tank" is not a steel structure holding liquid. It's a body of water in a field that the rest of the world would call a pond. Took me a while to figure that one out.

  3. Congratulations, Marieke! We're really happy for you and Tom and wish you lots of happiness!
    Love you always,
    Denise & Alex.
