Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Noticias de Tejas

Well, since i last wrote we had a visit from my good friend Tim. Tim and i lived and worked together in Earls Court Hostel in London. We became good friends and stayed in touch ever since i left London. It was great seeing him again and we got to catch up a lot! He saw most of Galveston and Houston. And ofcourse we went to get sunburned at the beach! :) We were sad to see him leave. Come back soon Timmy!
Katje is doing great. Growing fast and getting in lots of trouble! Still going to the gym. We both lost 3 pounds so far, not a lot, but something. We have been working out as much as possible. Now that the weather is so nice (±25C) i swim more in their pool.
We also had our first party in our news house (see pic) and this was while Tim was here. Quite a few people showed up and it was a great night. Everyone was impressed with our loft! Oh and our cat ofcourse! Soon i'll post all the pics.
Tomorrow my mum arrives! We cant wait and have been cleaning up all day! She arrives at 5.30pm and will stay for 2 weeks. Ofcourse she is bringing dutch goodies! I will keep you updated while she is here.

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