Friday, April 11, 2008

Katje News

Here is a video of our Katje. He is being just the cutest! More photo's HERE

He is settling in very well, he gets lots of attention ofcourse! Tomorrow we are takinf him to a clinic in Pasadena to use our Free Check up voucher from the shelter.
We are doing well also, been eating well and going to the gym every day. We feel better, dont know if we lost any weight but feeling good is a start. Thomas is doing well, only a few weeks left till summer. He is looking at getting a job over the summer, probably at Moody Gardens. We need the extra money and it wont be so boring begin home all the time. Hopefully we get to go away for a week somewhere. Its hard times financially with me being unemployed, but we are not eating dry old bread yet! I hope to be getting a job soon. It looks like i might get a part time one downstairs at the cafe. That would be great! Our friend from London, Tim has arrived in TN to see his friend there and he'll be flying into Hobby Apt on Tue! Then my mum is coming real soon after.
Well, im off to the beach... Heehee!
Till soon x

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