Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Finally we are in our new home! What a change!! Its so big and we are soooooo EXCITED!! The move was stessy and tough. We did most ourselves (well thomas...) and got help from Betsy's boyfriend Gabe in the eve. But last night at 9pm we could finally sit down with a Dos Equis. Well deserved. Some bits and bobs need to be done still but overall it is looking bad-assss!

I have also quit my job. Basically i worked for real shitty people. They have a bad rep so im not the only one who hates them. We hear it all around us. But its ok though, my work permit was almost up anyways. So now just waiting for my workpermit. Should be 4 weeks or so. Our apartment-locator-lady said she might have a job for me in her office!

It looks like we will not have internet until 8th. Im in the cafe downstairs now and im sure i'll be in every day to quickly check my emails.


Bya for now!

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