Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bit o' News

We have joined a gym! Very big and nice! We are meeting 3x with a personal trainer to get a routine going and start getting some mucles and lose some weight! They have a pool too! We are very excited!
We were supposed to move tomorrow but this has been moved to tuesday. Apartment lady's mistake, its ok though. Our little apartment is stuffed with new furniture. We bought our Ikea couch and its very comfy!
Other than that we have joined Netflix, an online movie rental. Very cheap and convenient. Every 3 days we get 3 movies, watch it, send it back in the provided envelope and done! Its been feeding our Sopranos fix. We are on to season 6!
We probably wont have internet for a few days, but definately by wednesday.

More soon! From our new home!

1 comment:

  1. I have joined a gym too and I'm loving it. One hour on the elliptical every morning to start the day off with a calorie deficit. Four pounds off already!
