Sunday, November 9, 2008

More about Katje...

Tonight Katje scared the s**t out of me! I go to the bathroom and when i come back i call for him as i do 5000x a day. For about 7 mins i am looking for him all over the house ringing the bell that we play with. No answer. I even ring it out the window. No answer. When i do this a 2nd time i hear his meouw. OUTSIDE!!! With Thomas on the phone i RAN outside and there he was... sitting out front the store downstairs... scared and meowing. He had to have jumped from the ledge, at least 9 foot!

And this was all in the middle of watching a documentary about Jonestown... What a night...


  1. I hope that scared him enough that he won't do that again!!!

    And such is the life of a parent...LOL.

  2. Hahaha, i know!

    Knowing this cat.. Tighter Katje-watch!
