Monday, September 29, 2008

Safe and Sound....again.

Hello Everyone, Thomas here.
I've decided (given the circumstances lately) that I may have a little input on the goings on in Casa del Graves. Currently (as Marieke has informed you all), we are residing at the home of my cousins here in Sugarland. Last night we were so excited to see Katje, and anxious about the long drive. We only got around 3 hours of sleep in all. Marieke says that her lack of sleep was due to the noise that the fan was putting off in our room. Regardless, we were TIRED this morning. Katje arrived in the early morning, and we were off. About 8 hours later we were back where it started. Downtown Houston. Everything seems to be getting back to normal around town. Felled trees are being cleared, and power is being restored. My best friend Wait, who put us up during the hurricane, now has power. The tall building downtown that had all of its windows blown out, is slowly getting repaired. Most of the people that we know that live in Galveston, returned and tried to deal with the mess, but almost all have abandoned that plan and have left the island once again. Marieke and I set off for our first look at the island which I have so wittingly re-named "Galvanistan" ™®. So expect our little photograpaher Marieke "Ansel Adams" Balvers-Graves to post them in a timely fashion. From what we've heard so far, it's a disaster on top of a mess. As Marieke has said, our place is fine. We just want to see our place and clean a little. It probably wouldn't hurt to air it out either. We hope that all of you are doing fine, and we hope to get back home before we lose our minds. Not being able to live in your own space is surprisingly very frustrating. Check back sometime tomorrow or the day after for Galvanistan™® pictures!!!!!

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