Monday, September 1, 2008

Off the hook...

.. by a hair! We are very lucky. (Galveston is about 1cm from the storm) We are just going to have some very bad weather. But we need some water here! Of course New Orleans isnt so lucky, altought it has gone down to a category 2. Now theres another hurricane forming heading our way, but im going to take a break from worrying!

Yesterday we went for a walk to the beach and once there, we went barhopping. A lot of fun. When we got back home we had dinner and after out for some more drinks. Even ran into a friend and some London tourists! The link is for photo's from the walk. Oh and we bathed katje! :) And all made with the new camera!

Today is Labor day so we are off! Its great working for the school district! Well off to start our day!



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