Tuesday, August 5, 2008

NOLA: The Story

So after work Thomas picked me up and we drove straight to Houston to go and pick up Chris and Emily. After putting their bags in the car we were on the way! Just outside of Houston a quick bite to eat at Wafflehouse and one more stop for gas before we got to NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana) at 1am! The hotel was Baronne Plaza. And it was one block from Canal Street. The room was pretty small for 4 people but we only need it to sleep... We were in New Orleans!! We showered and went to bed, it was late and had worked all day.

The next morning we woke up at 10ish and all had showers and were ready to start the first day! We had breakfast/lunch and started walking around the French Quarter. It was so beautiful and European-looking. I loved it! Of course NOLA is all about drinking and their most famous drinks are Hurricanes and Hand Grenades. And both VERY strong but oh so good! So we found the Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop on Bourbon Street. The oldest bar in the USA since 1772! It was dark and old and with a big old piano. Perfect. It started raining at the same time, really bad. So we sat down and had 2 hurricanes. You get all your drinks in pubs in a plastic cup so you can walk around with it. Classy. Hurricanes done, rain done and we were back on the road. A little more lightheaded. All day we walked, looked at old buildings and popped into a pub once in a while. Then we thought it was time to try out the hand grenade.. its evil.. We drank it on the way to the hotel, where we did a change of clothes to start the night. We first went to a strip club. Yes we did. :) There are many many strip clubs. A lot of them Larry Flynt's Hustler Club. But we chose the least classy one for some reason. It was funny and we stayed for one beer. After we walked around some more and found another bar where they were playing piano. We got pretty tired and went back to the hotel. We got back at 10pm! We couldnt believe how early it still was! But then again, we had started drinking at noon...

The next morning we woke up hungover and thirsty but ready for some more NOLA! We had lunch, had a look at the river, walked around the French Market (bought some voodoo dolls and a mask) and had some famous Louisiana beignets at Cafe de Monde! After we visited the Louisiana State museum, which had a Napoleon exhibition with some really cool personal items from him. Outside the museum was the Satchmo Summerfest. Some great music! Below is a video.

We didnt drink that day, we just enjoyed NOLA and even did some shopping at Urban Outfitters! (yay!) We went to the hotel to change for the eve. We had booked a ghost tour for 8. We had dinner and met up with the rest of the tour. It was 2 hours and we walked all around the French Quarter in the dark with a man telling us about age old murders and their ghosts. It was great. We then went to a bar for one last drink. I really didnt want to leave, i love it!

But as always it has to end. We left the next morning around 11am. Stopped in Baton Rouge for lunch and then straight to Houston to drop Chris and Emily off. We got home to a sweet cat and 3 netflix movies... mmm! 2 posts below are the pics of NOLA in case you missed them...

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