Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Una Fin de Semana Muy Loco! (pero muy bueno!)

The weekend was pretty tiring and started Friday lunch time. We had 2 of Deborah's friends over to go for lunch. They brought us trashy magazines and champagne! Yes! We wend to Yaga's and had some lovely sandwiches and talked.

As soon as they left Kelly & Daniel (college friends) arrived from Dallas. They are artists who have their own studio for ceramics. We already have some of their work. (They made a vase for our wedding) Now they also started working with glass, they gave us a cheeseboard made out of a champagne bottle. Absolutely amazing! Plus they gave us a gorgeous bowl and Kelley spoiled me again with some of her necklesses. I will post some pics and her website later. That was a good start of the weekend!

We first went out to the Strand for a walk along the shops. It was very hot so we decided to go back in and get ready for dinner. Ofcourse (!) we went to Salsa's on the Seawall! :) We got there at 6ish so for the next hour it was $2.50 margarita's! They went down well.

Afterwards we had a walk on the beach. It was a nice eve, but not for long. At some point, we are already close to the car, we hear a car drive into another car. Not that hard but it made us turn around. We see a white pick-up scooting across the seawall coming from a sidestreet, over to the otherside, onto the sidewalk! He got to a hold for a few secs, realised what he had done and then scooted from the sidewalk onto the road between 2 parked cars and hit 3 motorcyclists! Two of them got up, but the last one didnt. It was awful. The prick also fled the scene. We all started running after him to get the license plate, but he was too fast. Anyway, we stuck around for a while to get some news on the last motorcyclist, apperantly his leg is pretty messed up. (the next day we heard the guy got caught) That kind of put a downer on the eve. Kelley & Daniel are motorcyclists so that was pretty close to home. We got home and watched some TV and had some last drinks, we were all pretty knackered and so we went to bed.

The next morning we got up around 11 and Thomas made lunch, it was very nice! We set up the icechest with beer and goodies and got ready for the beach. We went to Stewart beach as we got a call from Wahib (Thomas old college roommate) that him and his family and friends were coming down from Houston too!
Stewart beach isnt a drinking beach. So within 5 mins we were told to bring the icechest back to the car. Great. It was pretty far to the car, but sweet Thomas did it. Anyway, we hung out on the beach for a while with everyone.
Off home and dinner. We were going to have a little party. Then we get a phonecall from Joe and Erin, more college friends from Thomas who had no idea K & D were in town! Hayes and Kristen came over, Wait and Lisa. It was a lot of fun and lasted until 5am.

Sunday was tough, but we made through. K & D left around noon and Thomas and i drove up to Houston for dinner with the Hariri's (Wahib & Farouk +1's). We hung out, ordered pizza, wend to a coffeeshop and left around 7pm. It really was a good weekend. Im still not top fit, but it was all worth it!

So now back to work. Its been really good. This week is a little boring but i find some things to do. In a bit Thomas' parents are picking me up for lunch! This weekend is the trip to New Braunfels. Im so excited! Not many people are coming but we dont care. We want to tube down the river and drink beer in the sun!

Then the week after we are off to New Orleans on the Thu! My first time, im again VERY excited. Everyone tells me how crazy and fun it is! We stay 3 nights and we have our eye on a hotel in the French Quarter. We just need to wait till payday! Which is friday, i'll be getting my first one from the school district!

Also, the first hurricane is about to hit Texas. We are lucky as its more towards Mexico. And it shouldnt get that bad although lots of people are packing up. We have the dark clouds from the outside of Hurricane Dolly.

Thomas starts school 18th, the weekend before he has a wedding in Commerce, his college town. I unfortunately cannot go, i have to work. So if you have nothing to do, call me! :)

Last but not least, im turning this blog also into a scrapbook. I have printed all my posts and pictures and now im going to stick it all in a notebook. Plus of course all the comments that have been left. Once i have cuaght up to date i can just print it every month or so and keep it up.

Well, thats all i have! Plus PHOTO'S as always!


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