Sunday, July 27, 2008


On friday we left around noon and drove straight to New Braunfels. We checked in, showered and got ready for dinner at Sarah & Lee's. Their house is amazing. Huge and with a beautiful garden AND on the river. It was so nice to see everyone again and meet some new family members from New Jersey. His family is always so sweet to me and make me feel so welcome. We ate, drank, swam, played ping pong and talked. Great night! Back at the cabin, Thomas and Gabe went for a night swim in the river, but i didnt dare so went to bed.
In the morning we had a delicious breakfast at Jim's cabin, then got our toobs and started floating the river! So much fun! We also floated the Guadalupe River, which was really cold! Back to the resort and got ready for dinner again at the house. This time it was taco's! But other than that pretty much the same deal as the night before.. Lots of drinking and talking! Since Thomas' family keeps in touch with great aunts and 6th cousins :) i started making the family tree to see how everyone is related. It turned out to be a big job and it was fun. And i finally got it! We left around 11 and drove back to the resort for a swim in the pool with Susie. We talked for a while but all this waterfun makes you tired so we were off to bed at midnight.
This morning we woke up at 9 and packed. Walked over to the New Jerseys and spend some time with them. Then on to Sarah and Lee's where everyone was going to say goodbye. It was such a great weekend. I think the photo's will show it the best! :)


When we got home we booked our hotel for the trip to New Orleans! And we are going with our friends Chris and Emily! Emily is from Louisiana so we will get a good tour!


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