Sunday, May 25, 2008

So, let me tell you about this last week. I got a job at a restaurant 5 mins from our house! As a hostess and at some point i'll do the admin too. Its not my fav job but its good for the summer. Its called Fishermans Wharf. Thomas and i have eaten there a few times, its good! It looks out over the water (and some oil rigs..) I work monday to friday (i had to quit Java's) and nice hours in the day. I start tue with one hour training. Im excited!
Last friday we took our friend Hayes' boat out to a little island. And by little, i mean LITTLE. It was really just a sand bank of about 12 meters long and 4 meters wide, with vegetation and lots of birds. On our way there we saw 6 dolphins! So cute! We got pretty close. But we made a fire and roasted some sausages, had beer and some JD. It was a great night that lasted until 3am. This girl Rebecca that was there too, has a secretary job at Ball High (Thomas' school) and she is leaving, she said she is going to help me get her job. I already submitted my resume for another job at another school so i hope by the next school year i'll have a job at one of the 2.
Last night we wend to see Iron Man, it was pretty good! Afterwards we met up with Hayes and Rebecca and some of her friends for Laser Tag, its like paintball but with lasers. It was in an entertainment centre near Houston. Hayes is moving to Korea over the summer for 2 years to teach art there. So this was a going away thingy. We had a great time.
Thomas is off in a week and he'll be off for about 10 weeks. We have a weekend coming up in Austin. Thomas has to go to a conference for school. I'll be able to walk around the city! Yay! Its my fav city! Then the family reunion is the weekend after. It is again at the river in New Braunfels We also want to try to go away together, the plan is a weekend to New Orleans and a week to a National Park. Either Big Bend or Garner State Park Both very beautiful.
The weather is getting very hot, the 90s are coming (in the 30s C) and its not july yet! But im still okay and still want to be at the beach, which is what we are doing today!

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