Saturday, March 8, 2008

Some news from Tejas

We drove to Houston about 3 times this week. Last Sunday for a Lebanese BBQ, Wednesday for dinner with Chris and Emily and Tuesday for the exhibition of Pompeii in the Museum of Fine Arts! See pic. It was amazing. Im sure all of you know about Pompeii but in case you dont (and id be honored to be the first to tell you about it! - Info on Pompeii
Work has been well. I like it and i got my 2nd paycheque which always motivates me of course! :) Other than that ive been waiting for thomas after work to pick me up in Java's, the bar below our future home. Have introduced us and been getting to know them. They are great people. The jazz nights are only 2 saturdays a month and only until midnight. We will get the keys 28th March. The place is so perfect, we cant wait to move in! We have seen great furniture at ikea and another store which we will buy when we recieve all our tax returns and have our savings ready. We recieved the chequeboks with our names on it, very cute. And i got my debit card, all is falling into place! Ooh and i cut my hair!
Allright, we are off for a walk in the sunshine! More photo's soon!

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