Friday, February 15, 2008


Finally its weekend! This week has been tough. Getting up at 5.30 everyday and working 8 hours straight. They are understaffed so we dont really get a break right now. Work is great though. I think my bosses are happy with me and im happy there too. I have nice co workers, mostly mexican so this will be good for my spanish! Its great to be around people and make some $$$! The tipping has been pretty good for me, yesterday and today i had 20$ so thats not bad at all! We are going to have a well deserved beer tonight! Im trying to save my tips. I did buy a cheap cute top the other day, as i felt that i deserved that. It had been too long since i bought something.
The shop is such a busy place, everyone loves it. The food is ridiculously tasty. You can get anything from cheeseburgers to snappers, from chocolate dipped pecan pie to daily freshly baked bread. Hot and cold sandwiches, whole pies, quiche, bananabread and soooo much more! You can find the menu and more info on Sunflower Bakery The slide show below has many pics!

Yesterday was valentines day and thomas gave me pretty white daisies, a beautiful drawing and a funny card! Then he took me out to an old little theatre downtown to a jazz concert. It was great, we sat in the back and had champagne and wine. There was also a cute proposal on stage! Great night!

Tomorrow is our wedding shower and we cant wait! Thomas' sweet aunties Julie and Susan organised it. And it looks like about 30 people will be there! We leave early for Houston tommorrow so we dont get to sleep in much. I'll take lots of pictures and be sure to make another post by the end of the weekend!

Also this weekend we are getting some visitors from Arkansas! We cant wait! We were hoping to go back up there again in May, but we dont think this will happen. Hopefully later in the year.

Other than that, we made a deposit on our new place downtown! So its a done deal! We are moving 10th April! We really cant wait to move! Its such a lovely place to live and perfect for visitors. Everything you need is there and the trolley to the beach is very close. What more can you want! So come on over! Always welcome!

Oooh! I almost forgot the most important thing! I 'quit' smoking! I havent smoked for a week now. Its been very hard the first 2 or 3 days but now its ok. I'll keep you updated on that!

This is it for now. Hope you are all well and happy! Ok, its time for a much needed nap! XX

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