Wednesday, February 20, 2008

$$$! .... Prrrrr!

I got my first pay check today! Yay! It was only for a weeks work but that made me so happy! As soon as we got home i wend on urban outfittters to spoil myself! :) I get paid every second wednesday. Not a whole lot ofcourse, but definately enough to get by!

Also our Arkansas friends Alan and Joe and their friend Monique got here Sunday and we've been having a lovely time with them. They are so sweet, they got us a gift for the wedding too, a set of glass storage bowls! We have been so spoiled by everyone. I'll be sure to post a pic of the guys.

Bill Clinton was in Galveston today for a speach. Pretty exciting eventhough i dont care much about him. There were a lot of Hillary supporters in the lunchroom today, it was very busy.

Not much going on other than that. Waiting on tax returns and greencards...

Well we got to get ready for dinner with Alan and Joe.

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