Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dammit.... Oh but wait.... WOOOOHOOOO!!

We got a call from the apartment locator to tell us that the guy from our new loft was not moving out... Grrr! BUT, she said, i have another one to show you and you might like that one better. It has one more bathroom and its cheaper. Sure, we said, and we met her today.
It is absolutely perfect! Much better than the last one! 103m2 (1000 sq feet)! Its cheaper and we also have our own washer and dryer! Plus 2 bedrooms with each a bathroom! A HUGE hallway, that leads to a HUGE livingroom. And its even closer to the main street. And cheaper...! We will live above a cafe with live jazz, fun but also a little noisy. She said it wasnt too bad and only on the weekends. Its gated with a code and 2 families live there and a med student. There is a big classy staircase to all the lofts. I took only a few pics with my phone, so more later. Move in date is April 1st!

Photo's Loft


  1. Now aren't you glad you didn't unpack all those wedding gifts! It looks really groovy.

  2. Wow looks great!!

    xxx, Suus
