Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Everything is better except for that flu!

My bags arrived yesterday! I was so happy! So good to have my own things here, it felt like an early xmas! On the weekend we bought a xmas tree and ornaments. It was a lot of fun and took my mind off things. I havent done much so far as ive been having the flu. I took care of some things for the wedding and did laundry. Housewife... :) So thats all for now! I miss everyone a lot but im very happy to be here.


  1. Bags back...Yey!! Thats awesome Marieke!!
    Aww..Its so good to hear you are doing well =)
    Good luck with all the wedding things..

  2. Nice tree Marieke and you are staning there so hply:-)
    Did you get my mail yesterday? I get a lot wrongly posted email from Texas?
    Here it is very cold so there is at least one good reason for you to be there but ofcourse you many more.

    Love Douwe
